Empath Partners, LLC

Through empathy and compassion we partner to provide tools of self-care for the caregivers and healing for the healers.



We provide Seminars, workshops, and retreats for wellness of Veterinarians and Veterinary Staff centered around self-care, identifying the need for self-care, and referrals when necessary. Tools include: Meditation and Mindfulness, Goal setting for self-care, processing grief, stress relief.

Examples of seminar/workshop topics include:

Clinical Wellness Consultation:

Group and individual consultation which includes focus on best practices (from a DVM perspective) and mental health management of stress and grief. Group consultation including treating the clinic as an entire system as well as providing support within clinic and across clinics.

Clinic Program:

An example Introductory Seminar and Assessment of Needs.

It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing.
- Mother Theresa